White House press secretary Sean Spicer has moved to minimise talk of divisions within the Trump administration after announcing his resignation. Mr Spicer is reportedly stepping down because he is unhappy with President Donald Trump's appointment of a new communications director. But he told Fox News he had "no regrets" about his six-month stint. Wall Street financier Anthony Scaramucci has been picked for the role that Mr Spicer had partially filled. The shake-up at the White House comes amid several investigations into alleged Russian meddling in last year's US presidential election and whether Mr Trump's campaign team colluded with Moscow. "The president obviously wanted to add to the team, more than anything," Mr Spicer told interviewer Sean Hannity. "I just thought it was in the best interest of our communications department, of our press organisation, to not have too many cooks in the kitchen. "Without me in the way, they have a fresh start, so that I'm not lurking over them." He defended President Trump's agenda, saying it was an honour and a privilege to serve him, and hit out at what he termed "media bias". He said: "I was increasingly disappointed about the way the media here do their job - or don't do their job."



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